Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cute Chicks

 I have a great friend who's crafty, she's just my style.  She is also finishing her basement and has a plethora of bits of 2x4's.  With that in mind, she has found a couple of websites where they use almost only 2x4's in their crafts.  Super fun.  We had been planning to make pumpkins but we missed the Fall.  Then we were going to do Christmas trees, but alas that season also passed us by.  We were determined to do something for Spring/Easter though, and my persevering friend invited me over to make these little babies. 

We changed a couple of things.  I didn't really want to do a duck, so I did chicks instead.  I got one of those fuzzy feather boas from Hobby Lobby and cut it into strips.  It only took three strips to make the chick look really full.  We painted the boards and then used Elmer's glue to attach the feathers.  We hot glued the googly eyes, which, by the way, were purchased from the dollar store.  Beautiful.  We made the feet out of pipe cleaners and hot glued them to the bottom.  The beaks are a brown foam, also hot glued, and the bows (my own personal and wonderful idea) to make his and hers.  Love them!

The sheep we just followed the instructions from the blog, but we did add the bow.  Cutey, cute, cute and perfect for Easter. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Butterfly in the Sky...I Can Go Twice as High

So, now that you hopefully have an awesome song in your head and a sudden crush on Levar Burton, I will tell you about these lovely little crochet butterflies.  I wanted to try these because it is my sweet Grandmother's birthday and she love, love, loves butterflies.  Whenever I see butterflies I think of her.  I haven't quite decided what I am going to do with these, but something awesome will come to mind, or, more likely, I'll find some great idea on one of the many wonderful craft blogs I read.  Until then, just enjoy.

The tutorial for this project came from the ever amazing Little Birdie Secrets blog, and the link directly to the crochet butterflies is here.  Also, really don't be afraid to try these, even if you don't know much about crochet.  I know the absolute, sheer basics and I had to google a couple of stitches, but the Birdies know their tutorials and this one is so fun and easy to follow.

Just for fun, here's a picture of my sweet Grandmother, my precious baby girl, and me.

**Don't be jealous of my awesome photography skills.  I mean, not everyone can be as good as I am at capturing the true wonder of real life through the magic of the lens.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Little Easter Craft...or not

So I can't decide if I like my version of this or not.  I found this really cute craft idea at a lovely place called Positively Splendid.  Her version is amazingly adorable, but I tried to make one a little simpler because I didn't want to do the sewing.  I did a paper version and I think it maybe just turned out like I cut corners.  I can't decide.  I think I'll put it out for a little while, but I don't know that it will make it past one Easter season.  It was still fun to make.