Monday, February 7, 2011

Kindle Case

So I got a Kindle for Christmas!  Whoa!  It is pretty much the most AWESOME Christmas gift I have ever gotten.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  So I really wanted to make a case for it.  There are A TON of patterns and tutorials online.  There are a lot that you can buy already made both of the standard leather-ish variety and the cutesty fabric variety.  Anyway, I found about three different ones that I wanted to make, but I finally decided on this one.  And I love the result!

So I think it is so awesome!  The tutorial is beyond excellent and really takes you through the process step by step, which is good, because I needed a lot of help.  I am so pleased with the results though.  Also, these guys have the measurements for any version of the Kindle that you may have and they have a formula to figure out what sizes you'd need if you have a different brand of e-reader.  Enjoy! 

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