Friday, January 14, 2011

FAQ Friday

So, you may be thinking, what in the world is FAQ Friday?  Well, it is a day when I share five fun facts about Lindsey.  You may not really care, but, hey, this is my blog and I suppose I can do what I want. :)  So, without further ado, here are this Friday's FAQ.   Also a picture of my pretty princess, just for fun.


  • I hate sad movies and I refuse to watch movies where people you care about die.  
  • I'm slowly, slowly learning to run.
  • Sometimes I think in Facebook statuses.
  • I love making lists.  They are awesome.  I also love to include a few things on my lists that I have already done, so I feel like I have accomplished something.  (Thank you AlliG.)
  • There are few things I enjoy more than a new notebook.  Oh the possibilities.

Are these true FAQ's?  No.  Frankly very few, okay, no one, actually asks me questions about myself.  I like to share and FAQ Fridays had a nice ring to it.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling me about your blog! I am so excited for it. You have such good ideas and I am excited to make stuff with you. I love the ideas at the side too! The pillows look so cute. Let's get together soon. I also really like the book sling!
