Friday, January 7, 2011

Super Sweet Bulletin Boards

So basically my friends need to start having more girls and fewer boys.  I love making baby girl gifts with the pink and purple and ruffles and bows and dresses and tights and...the list goes on and on.  One super fun project I did for my own little princess is a ribbon bulletin board.  This would be great to use for hanging bows or displaying pictures or artwork.  Basically anything.  They are so fun and awesome.  

Foam Board (back to your local dollar store)
Quilt Batting (I used scraps)

1.  First use an exacto knife to cut your foam board to desired size.  I wanted squares, but random sizes of rectangles could also be super cute. 

2.  Cut your batting to fit the squares.  You could use double stick tape to sort of keep the batting in place if you need to.

3.  Trim your fabric to the size of your boards leaving at least two inches extra around the entire thing. 

4.  Lay your fabric on top of the batting and turn board over.

5.  Begin stapling your fabric all around the back edges of your board.  Be sure to pull fabric tight as you go.  I recommend doing this on a hard surface.  Some of the staples might pop through a tinge, but that's okay. 

6.  Lay out your ribbons at whatever intervals you want.  Staple them on either end of the board.  Pull them tight.

7.  Finally, step back and enjoy! 

These are super cute to hang on the wall with command strips or you an add one of those little metal hanger thingys (yep, that's a technical term).

I made these with a couple of my friends and it was such a fun afternoon.  They used patterned fabric and solid ribbon which was also fun.  I just found some really cute ribbon I liked so I decided to use the patterned ribbon and solid fabric.

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