Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Little Valentine's Love to Get This Party Started

I was going to start this little bloggity blog with some sort of introduction but then, it hit me, no one cares about that.  Therefore, i decided to start with a little project I did last year and which I will (hopefully) get around to doing again because it was easy, fast and super cute.

First off, I am not a crocheter.  I have been trying to become a crocheter for YEARS, but it is something I simply can't master.  (One huge reason for this is because I've never had someone patient enough to sit down and really teach me...SARAH!).  I do know a few basic things though and that is all you need to do this little project.

Items needed for project:

Yarn in whatever color you choose
Small frame (hello dollar store)
Scrapbook paper

Step One
Use this tutorial to make your crochet heart.  Easy Peasy.
      **Also, you should probably follow this blog because it is truly aMaZinG!

Step Two
Cut scrapbook paper to desired size then glue to the back of the picture frame.
     **I just threw out the glass for the frame although I am sure if you thought about it long enough you would
         be able to think of something super cute and craftsy to do with it.

Step Three
Using Elmers glue, paste the hear to the scrapbook paper.

Step Four
Glue the button in the center of the heart.

Step Five
Use as an awesome decoration for your own home or give away to any friend you want to impress with your super craftiness.

There we go.  Done and Done.  Enjoy!

Also, I'm linking up here:



  1. Not sure I should if I should be flattered that I was mentioned or very much berated for being a slacker!
    Nonetheless, it looks GREAT! You're amazing!

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    I was just scrolling through the "hit list" on my blog and I noticed your blog title - I love it! Totally made me chuckle. I would have to classify myself as a perfectionist in many ways but I STILL don't like anybody looking at the back of my stuff, cuz it's not always pretty! Thanks for linking to my tutorials, have a great day!
